- Mouse Clicker for MAC is a lightweight auto clicker that pushes clicks automatically. Users can set the time between the clicks from slow to very fast or set custom values in milliseconds. It stimulates left and right clicks on MAC devices. Stop in the meantime will automatically stop clicking after the required number of seconds.
- Download this Auto Typer on your Macintosh and let the software do the repetitive typing on your Game, Text Editor or any other application running on Mac which needs text to be typed in. The Second Auto Typer presented below for Macintosh allows you.
Auto Typer For Typing Web
Repetitive Typing on Mac version 10.6 onwards can be automated with MurGaa Auto Typer for Mac. There are multiple benefits of having a software app to do the automatic typing. Repetitive Typing of same sentence is counter productive and error prone. Now the MurGaa Auto Typer which has been designed to work for Mac Versions like 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 can be used to let the software talk to the software. You do not need to create any scripts or struggle with complex programming. All you need to use this really useful and user friendly software is to store the repetitive text in the Mac Auto Typer Software and assign Keyboard Shortcut to it.
The Mac Auto Typer works fine on Mac OS X 10.6 onward versions of Mac including Mac Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion and even on Macintosh 10.9. The Mac Auto Typer is available on a free to download and try basis, the word shareware is also used to describe such software applications.

Just like other Applications on a Mac, the icon for the Mac Auto Typer can be located in the Applications Folder of the Finder. In order to start the application, double click on the Auto Typer Icon in the Applications of Finder to view the main screen of the software. The Main screen of the software application is displayed below and this screenshot was captured on a Apple Macintosh running on version 10.6.7. Note there are 5 blank text fields and 5 different Keyboard Shortcut boxes to the right hand side of every text field. Every Auto Text is handled by the software as a combination of text and keyboard shortcut.
Main Screen of Mac Auto Typer captured on Apple Macintosh running 10.6.7
The Main Screen of the Mac Auto Typer has a button to Minimize the Application and another button to Quit the Application. You can even minimize the main window of this Keyboard Automation Software using the Minimize icon at the top left corner window of the software. Whenever you press the Quit button, all the text specified in the text fields is stored automatically so that you do not need to enter the text to type automatically, the next time you start the software. Once you quit the application, the keyboard shortcuts defined to auto type text will not work.
Mac Auto Typer with Keyboard Shortcuts of Macintosh Keyboard
Have a look at the above Screenshot which displays the Mac Auto Typer filled with Text to be Automatically Typed along with Keyboard Shortcuts. A Closer inspection of Keyboard Shortcuts reveals that the Keyboard Shortcuts can be of any type including Function Keys, Control Key, Shift Key, Option Key, along with Characters and Numbers. This vast selection of keyboard shortcut types allows you to use any unused keyboard shortcut to type text with Mac Auto Typer.
Best Auto Typer
The Mac Auto Typer is available for download at MurGaa.com . Depending on your System Settings, you might have to allow applications not downloaded from Mac OS X Store in order to run this Keyboard Automation Utility. This Software is provided on a free try before buy basis and the software does not have any popup reminders, however once the trial uses have been completed, the software will expire and will prompt you to pay the registration fees.